The Activity and Animation Plan of the Ferrara Technopole 2023-2025 (CUP: E78G22000020003), is a project through which the Ferrara Technopole intends to consolidate its positioning as a reference point for companies and institutions in order to enhance scientific research, stimulate industrial research and technology transfer, develop new business initiatives, generating an impact on the territory in terms of attractiveness and economic growth.
We aim to implement the function of access point and orientation to the supply of the regional innovation ecosystem by consolidating the Portal and enhancing the activities of reception, accompaniment and orientation, support for start-ups and open innovation and to strengthen the scouting and matching services between the demand and supply of innovation and applied research with respect to the use of infrastructure, equipment, commissioned research, consulting, analysis services and testing of laboratories.
It is also intended to strengthen communication, marketing and promotion activities, as well as territorial animation through the organization of seminars, workshops, events for the dissemination of research results in presence, online or hybrid, also in collaboration with its own accredited laboratories, partners and territorial stakeholders as well as Art-ER and regional Clust-ERs.
The expected results are the consolidation of the Tecnopole Portal, matching supply and demand for innovation and applied research with the provision of specialized services to companies, carrying out events, initiatives and meetings, and strengthening the communication and promotion plan through Tecnopole websites and social media, newsletters and fairs.
The project is financed by the “Call for proposals from the Managing Entities of the Technopoles of Emilia-Romagna for the management and development activities of the Technopoles - 2023-2025” - PR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2021-2027.