Technology for growing up Research and INNOVAtion in high TECHnology network of Emilia-Romagna regional technopoles ecosystem
The University of Ferrara, managing entity of the Ferrara Technopole, has submitted the proposal titled “Technology for Growing Up Research and INNOVAtion in High TECHnology Network of Emilia-Romagna Regional Technopoles Ecosystem (RINNOVATECH)” (CUP F79J23001270002).
The project responds to the "Call for the Expansion of Infrastructures in the Emilia-Romagna Region", approved by Regional Council Resolution No. 1354 of July 31, 2023, which integrates and modifies Resolution No. 661 of April 27, 2023. It aims to enhance research infrastructures through the acquisition of advanced scientific equipment and state-of-the-art information and telecommunication technologies for the university laboratories of the Ferrara Technopole: LTTA, IN4, TekneHub, and Terra&Acqua Tech.
Maintaining and strengthening competitiveness in research and innovation can be achieved through the introduction of scientific and technological equipment and the development of skills essential to supporting and advancing intelligent and cutting-edge processes. These, in turn, contribute to combating climate change, strengthening sustainable growth, and promoting the transition to a circular economy.
With the RINNOVATECH project, the Ferrara Technopole aims to enhance its research infrastructures by investing in the qualitative and quantitative growth of services offered to businesses and institutions. This will be achieved through the acquisition of state-of-the-art scientific equipment and IT and telecommunication technologies, enabling the Technopole to position itself at a European level and consolidate its role regionally and nationally as a reference hub for companies and institutions, fostering scientific research, industrial innovation, and technology transfer.
The project will be carried out over a 36-month period.
The total project cost amounts to €2,599,993.00, with a regional funding request of €2,079,994.40.