The University of Ferrara, founded in 1391, is one of the oldest in Italy.
It consists of thirteen Departments: Architecture; Economics and Management; Physics and Earth Sciences; Law; Engineering; Mathematics and Computer Sciences; Humanities; Translational Medicine and for Romagna; Neuroscience and Rehabilitation; Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Sciences; Life Sciences and Biotechnology; Medical Sciences; Environmental Sciences and Prevention and one Faculty of Medicine.
Some facts and figures about the University: more than 28.000 students enrolled, 695 Master students, 440 PhD students, 740 permanent academic staff, 550 administrative and tech.
Unife has been awarded with two UNESCO Chairs: “Urban and Regional Planning for Sustainable Local Development” and “Education, Growth and Equality”.
42 international research projects funded by FP7, of which 4 Coordinated by UniFe, 46 projects funded by Horizon 2020, 4 as Coordinator and 8 Individual Fellowship Marie Skłodowska-Curie, 11 project funded by Horizon Europe (1 in Grant Preparation), several projects funded by other European research programmes; around 1150 international cooperation agreements.
The University of Ferrara is a member of several International Network, among them the ECSEL-ARTEMIS Industry Association and BBI Bio-Based Industries, UNIADRION, EFSA – European Food Safety Authority, European University Association – EUA, Knowledge and Innovation Community RAW MATERIAL, Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment - CoARA