Ferrara Technopole offers access to 5 laboratories belonging to the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network, and to the Innovation Centre CFR.
It deals with Translational Medicine and Biotechnology.
Animal Facility
Flow Cytometry
Molecular Interactions
Advanced Microscopy
Clinical research
Areas of interest:
Use of primary human cells to study mechanisms of differentiation and regeneration of tissues for research purposes.
Genomic and post-genomic researches in pathologies with high welfare impact (neoplastic, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases).
Preclinical testing using in vitro and in vivo (animal models) systems, collecting and saving human cells for regenerating and/or pharmacological approaches.
Life Science
Scientific Director: Paola Rizzo
Address: via Fossato di Mortara 70 – Ferrara
Phone +39 0532 455855
IN4 Lab
IN4 is dedicated to the technological transfer of innovative solutions and technological services to companies of the different sectors of industry, manufacturing, services and smart-cities, not only in the regional area, but also with national and international level.
Its expertise areas work in a synergic way, functional to the horizontal structure of industrial products and processes.
Areas of Interest:
Mechanics and Thermo-fluid dynamics for advanced manufacturing
Advanced maintenance
Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) for manufacturing and building
Materials (metallic, polymeric, composite) and surface engineering
Fluid machinery for industry and energy systems
Energy conversion, distribution and storage systems
ICT for Industry 4.0
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Industrial automation, robotics, supervision and sustainable control
Radiofrequency and microwave electronics
Networks of communication, localization and monitoring
In the above areas of interest, IN4 offers customized collaborations and services to companies, operating with industrial timing and modalities:
Commissioned and collaborative industrial research
Partnership in EU, national, regional research projects
Tests in industrial or laboratory environment
Personnel training and technology transfer
Management tools: development of skills and services
Scientific Director: Giorgio Dalpiaz
Phone: +39 328 8606250
c/o Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Via Saragat, 1 – Blocco A, 44122 Ferrara
c/o CenTec – Via Guercino 47, 44042 Cento (FE)
TekneHub Lab
TekneHub is one of the industrial research laboratories of Ferrara’s Technopole with specialization in the fields of intervention on existing built heritage, advanced relief and integrated diagnostics, digitization of the supply chain, the technology of ceramic and metallic materials, diagnostics of works of art, integrated high-efficiency building-plant systems, sustainable use of environmental and hydrogeological resources, sanitisation of highly sterile environments, industrial product design and product and service development in a User Centred Design, Inclusive Design, Human-Machine Interface and User Experience approach.
Areas of expertise
Existing built heritage
Digital humanities
Sustainable development
Health and well-being
Inclusive design
Social innovation
Value management
Scientific Director: Marcello Balzani
Coordinator: Fabiana Raco
Address: Via Saragat, 13 – 44122 Ferrara
Tel. + 39 0532 293601
e-mail: –
Terra&AcquaTech Lab
Circular economy aims at reducing the production-consumption system of both virgin material and energy inputs and waste and emission outputs (physical throughput) through the application of material cycles and renewable-based energy cascades. The scope is to reduce waste management and emission control costs together with risks from environmental legislation, as well as to innovate new product design and market opportunities for business.
Within this context, Terra&Acqua Tech’s mission is to develop environmental sustainable approaches for farms and industries. This mission is accomplished by integrating chemistry, engineering, biology, and physics knowledge. Through this multidisciplinary approach,Terra&Acqua Tech develops innovative tools, technologies, methodologies and know how for:
characterization, protection and environmental remediation
waste valorization
enhancement and preservation of ecosystems and natural resources
mitigation of effects of anthropogenic activities.
increasing environmental sustainability of industrial agriculture and fisher sectors
environmental restoration and waste management
renewable energy
greenhouse gas reduction
Terra&Acqua Tech’s multidisciplinary team is organized into 8 units:
U1 Water quality and treatment
U2 Water resources, environmental geochemistry and geomaterials
U3 Water systems management and sanitary engineering
U4 Metallurgy, corrosion and polymeric materials
U5 Chemical innovative strategies for agri-environment development
U6 Monitoring and sustainable management of agricultural and aquatic ecosystems
U7 Recovery and sustainable valorization of biomass
U8 Sensor and semiconductor Laboratory
Areas of expertise:
Agriculture, farms and zootechnics
Aquaculture and fishing
Renewable energies
Water treatments and water distribution networks
Health and wellness
Services for companies:
Chemical and microbiological analysis
Environmental monitoring (abiotic and biota matrix)
Ecosystem services
Product certifications for pharmaceutical and chemical industry
Studies for the DOP and IGP certification of products of the agri-food chain
Recovery of added-value compound from biomass, residues or waste
Remediation of contaminated sites
Development of new green products and new eco-sustainable processes
Studies and development of technologies for the protection of the sea and of the coast, for fishing and aquaculture, for agriculture, for the environment and renewable energies
Management of water distribution networks, characterization and monitoring of consumption
Study of waste water treatment plants and sanitation of water and environments
Synthesis of new substances and materials
Mechanical and metallurgical tests, characterization to evaluate corrosion resistance
Construction of pilot plants in laboratory scale.
Chemometrics and process optimization
Quality control
Feasibility studies
Scientific Director: Luisa Pasti
The lab has many offices, connected to each unit and research group.
Phone: +39 0532 455346
CNR STEMS was founded on 1 Oct. 2020 merging the Istituto Motori, Naples (1940), the Institute for Research on Combustion, Naples (1968) and the Institute for Earth-Moving Machinery and Off-Road Vehicles (2002) which incorporated two formerly existing institutes: CEMOTER (Ferrara) and IMA (Torino), with experimental premises in Candiolo (TO) and Vezzolano (AT).
The mission of the Institute is to provide effective answers to the challenges related to climate, energy and mobility. These closely related issues must be addressed with a holistic approach with regard to their implications for citizens and for the society as a whole.
STEMS can play also a connecting role towards the national, regional production system and it can operate as a supplier, trainer, catalyst and “disseminator” of knowledge and
CNR STEMS-FE is the Ferrara branch of the Institute, which mainly carries out innovative and industrial research on the engineering of vehicles and systems, precision farming,
nanotechnologies and advanced sensors, with a perspective
of sustainability in a broad sense.
Development of propulsion system and power transmission architectures in mobile applications;
Mechatronics, unstructured robotics and autonomous vehicles;
Development of advanced control systems for the automatic management of machines, machine clusters and work cycles;
Computational and experimental analysis of fluid power components and systems;
Vibro-acoustics optimisation and noise and vibration control;
Development and application of traditional and innovative materials;
Development of technologies for sustainable agriculture;
Certification and testing of mobile machines and standardization activities;
Life Cycle Assessment of products/processes.
Areas of expertise:
Mechanical Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Automation Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Acoustics and Vibration
Materials Science
Responsible: Francesca Pedrielli
Via Canal Bianco, 28 – 44124 Ferrara, Italy
CFR - Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca
The Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca (CFR) is a non-profit organisation, with public and private participation, whose main objectives are the promotion, development and valorisation of human, scientific, technological and economic resources in the Ferrara area.
The mission of the Consortium is to promote and support research, innovation and technology transfer, acting as a privileged interlocutor for Universities, Research Centres, Public Bodies, Industrial Enterprises, in Italy and abroad, by promoting the meeting between the generators of know-how, industrial organisations and the world of work.
Areas of expertise:
Promotion of pre-competitive research and technology transfer aimed at industrial application
EU, national and regional funding and the coordination of activities relevant to the different types of intervention
Coordination and organisation of national and international scientific events, post-graduate Masters, advanced training courses and CME (Continuing Medical Education) events for doctors and health professionals.
Collaborative and ad-hoc industrial research
Parternship in EU, national and regional research projects
Test and measurements at the customers' premises or onsite in the laboratory facilities
Technology transfer
Scientific Director: Stefania Corsi
Headquarter: Via Saragat, 1 – Blocco B – 1° Piano – 44122 Ferrara
Phone: 0532-762404