The Ferrara Technopole is part of the Network of 10 Technopoles of the regional innovation ecosystem and is the access point for industrial research and technology transfer.
The Technopole Portal is the place where companies can get in touch with researchers, learn about their skills and available equipment, and evaluate the technological solutions being planned.
It is located in via Saragat, 13, near the Polo Scientifico Tecnologico of the University of Ferrara and the Sipro Incubators.
It consists of five research laboratories and one innovation center that are members of the High Technology Network of the Emilia-Romagna Region:
Laboratory LTTA - Unife
Laboratory IN4 - Unife
Laboratory Terra&Acqua Tech - Unife
Laboratory Teknehub - Unife
Laboratory CNR STEAMS
Centre of innovation: CFR.
The research laboratories branch out to different university locations, particularly at the Scientific-Technological Pole (at 1 Saragat Street), the Biomedical Pole Laboratories (at Rampari di San Rocco Street), the “Cube” Laboratories (at the former S. Anna Hospital, entrance from Mortara Street) and the TekneHub laboratory (13 Saragat Street).
The Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca CFR, is located at the Scientific-Technological Pole (at Via Saragat 1 - Block B, second floor), and CNR STEMS, is located at Via Canal Bianco, 28 in Ferrara at the industrial zone near the Ferrara Nord highway exit.
May 28, 2024
The IN4 Laboratory of the Ferrara Technopole is once again a leading player in the field of innovation. The Automation and Robotics research group coordinated by Prof. Marcello Bonfè, in collaboration with researchers from the Vascular Diseases Center team, supervised by Prof. Paolo Zamboni, has created a patent regarding an autonomous robotic system for ultrasonographic examination of blood vessels.
April 19, 2024
Venerdì della Sostenibilità is the Ferrara Technopole's initiative marked by a series of four multidisciplinary meetings during which researchers present the results of studies and research in the field of sustainability, with the aim of spreading and promoting best practices to mitigate climate change and raise awareness of of the...
March 15, 2024
On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, Palazzo Tassoni Estense in Ferrara opens its doors to the sixth edition of "Days of Restoration and Cultural Heritage."
Promoted by the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara with the collaboration of numerous partners including Tecnopolo, it includes conferences, exhibitions and symposia and ..
March 13, 2024
The Tecnopole of Ferrara, always focused on innovation, has been awarded a grant for two projects - RINNOVATECH for Unife University Laboratories and PoLaR for CNR STEMS Ferrara - aimed at improving and enhancing scientific technology in research environments. With funding of more than two million euros, the Emilia-Romagna Region...