Two workshops on Delta Po River

Ferrara Technopole and Terra & AcquaTech Lab have organized two workshops on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 June on the Delta Po River and lagoon environments. The first is organized together with Bologna Academy of Sciences, while the second is promoted by the scientific society LaguNet (Italian Network for Lagoon Research), and by Unife Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Both meetings will be held at the Cloister of Santa Maria delle Grazie, in Room F7 of the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Via Fossato di Mortara 17, Ferrara.

The workshop of June 20 “Scientific – Technological Itineraries in the Delta Po River: anthropic activities and land use – future perspectives between development and sustainability”, will take place from 14.30 to 18. After all of the speeches,there will be a round table with the Prof .ssa Luisa Pasti, Scientific Director of the Terra & AcquaTech Lab, and Prof. Ferruccio Trifirò, University of Bologna.

The workshop of June 21, promoted by LaguNet, will be “Biodiversity, ecosystem services and quality of transition environments”; other main partners are ISPRA, the scientific societies SIBM and AIOL, the European projects LIFE-AGREE and INTERREG-ADRIO. It will be held from 9 am to 5 pm and it will bring together some of the leading experts from scientific, academic and governmental institutions, operating in the field of ecology and biology of the lagoon systems, to discuss new approaches to conservation, restoration and management prospects of the lagoons Italian. The topics of the Workshop include (i) evolution, functioning, quality, (ii) bioinvasions, pressures, biodiversity, (iii) conservation, management and sustainable use of resources and services.

Programma del 20 Giugno 2019

Locandina e Programma del 21 Giugno 2019