Techopole at MakerFaire – Rome

The next edition of “MakerFaire” will be held from 18 to 20 October; it’s the largest event dedicated to the world of “makers”, outside the United States and the second in the world in terms of number of visitors with 105 thousand registered attendances of 2018.

It was created to satisfy an audience of curious people of all ages who want to get to know and experiment with the inventions created by the makers: ideas that come from the desire to solve small and big problems of everyday life, or even just entertain. It is an event designed to turn the spotlight on hundreds of ideas and projects from around the world that can catapult visitors into the future.

Exhibitors will also include Ferrara Technopole and MechLav Lab, – stand C06 of Hall 9. The “Diamante DIAgnostics 4.0 and e-MAiNTEnance” project will be presented; it envisages the use of industrial robotics for production quality control, product monitoring and diagnostics. The project was funded under the “CALL FOR RESEARCH PROJECTS FINANCED BY THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE FERRARA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE”.

Further information: https://2019.makerfairerome.eu/en/