Efflics, a new research project

On 17 September 2019 the POR FESR project “EFFLICS – Eco Friendly FLuidics for Fluid Power” was lanched in Ferrara.

It aims to reduce, and in view of eliminating, the use of mineral oils and non-environmentally friendly synthetic fluids, increasing the use of fluids more compatible with the environment (degradable and non-toxic) for all those industrial, agricultural, construction and civil activities that require the use of medium-large specific power machines.

The project sees the involvement of many Emilia – Romagna Region Labs: MechLav, CNR IMAMOTER (both belonging to Ferrara Technopole), and also INTERMECH–MO.RE. and CNR ISTEC of Faenza.

Among the partner companies: OilSafe, Dana and ZF Automotive Pumps.

The project is funded under the Regional Operational Program – European Regional Development Fund in the context of industrial research projects of the smart specialization strategy. The project responds to the “value chain” dedicated to Fluid Power, which is one of the priority addresses.

In numbers:

€ 1,061,875.00 the value of the project

€ 759,812.50 the regional contribution

Approximately 10 among research fellows and collaborators, in addition to 10 structured professors and researchers, will work for two years on the activities of this industrial research project.