ECOSISTER Project: Business-friendly call published by Unife
The ECOSISTER project, in line with the provisions of the PNRR, envisages the implementation of cascading calls for proposals to support industrial research and experimental development projects through the provision of special funding designed in particular for companies and aimed at the introduction of significant innovations in relation to products, processes or services, consistent with the spheres of action of the Spokes in which the project is divided.
The University of Ferrara, responsible for Spoke 5 of the ECOSISTER project, has published a call for proposals aimed at companies located in southern Italian regions in order to strengthen collaboration between them and the public-private research system present in the Emilia-Romagna region.
The call is created for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in single or collaborative mode, as well as Large Enterprises in collaborative mode, interested in submitting projects involving exclusively industrial research and experimental development activities.
The operational headquarters where R&D activities will be carried out must be located in one of the following regions: Abruzzo, Molise, Apulia, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia.
Projects cannot last longer than 12 months and must have a total cost that respects certain ranges. Specifically, MPMIs may submit individual projects with a minimum cost of 150,000 euros and a maximum cost of 250,000 euros; for collaborative projects.
The benefit will be in the form of a non-repayable grant, the calculation based on the size of the enterprise. (Up to 80 percent for MPMIs, up to 40 percent for large enterprises).
Funded projects must have high levels of technological maturity; only projects with a starting TRL of at least four will be considered eligible.
There are five themes considered in the call:
1- the joint evolution of business models and regulatory frameworks along the ecological transition with emphasis on geographic aspects of socioeconomic and environmental performance, including territorial convergence within the Emilia-Romagna Region;
2- the valorization of waste and wastewater in productive environments also from an "urban extraction" perspective and the implementation of wastewater and sludge management also according to a biorefinery approach including innovative methodologies for microparticle and contaminant monitoring;
3- the implementation of solutions, devices, sensors and digital tools for spatial planning, resource management in the marine and coastal environment in the areas of ecosystem services, aquaculture, environmental protection, biodiversity conservation and mitigation of effects caused by climate change;
4-the development of innovative and sustainable solutions and services for the protection of cultural, maritime and coastal heritage. The regeneration and development of tourism systems, the implementation of new IT models, tools and services to increase the quality of tourism offerings;
5- The development of new regenerative agriculture practices in order to increase agro-biodiversity and increase soil fertility, improve drainage areas and enhance ecosystem services.
The deadline for applications is 12 noon on 12/15/2023.