Big Data. New skills, news jobs

Wednesday 18 December at 10 am, at Polo Scientifico - Tecnologico (via Saragat 1), there will be an event called "BIG DATA Ed.2.", which is the presentation of the 8 modular and free training courses for graduates from no more than 24 months in all disciplines .

The objective of the project is the development of knowledge and skills that allow people with high education levels in each disciplinary area to become subjects capable of giving meaning, of creating logical connections, of making judgments of synthesis and of transforming data into information at high added value and spread it within the organizations in which they will work and live.

The project is managed in partnership by a team of training institutions: Formindustria, ASSOform Romagna, CIS, CISITA Parma, FAV, Forpin, Ifoa, Il Sestante Romagna, Nuova Didactica, together with: UniMoRe, Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Parma, Polytechnic of Milan, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, who collaborate in the planning and teaching of some training courses and participate in the technical-scientific committee.

CINECA that collaborates in the design and issuing of the open badges of the training courses and participates in the technical scientific committee.

Promoters: Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions spa, Energy Way srl, The Hub Reggio Emilia, Tabulaex srl, Hopenly srl, IUNGO spa, Foundation for religious sciences Giovanni XXIII, Confindustria Emilia Romagna, Blulink srl, Webranking srl, Data Protech srl, Quix srl, Maps srl, Melazeta srl, MEEO srl, Caprari, Vem Sistemi spa, Expert System spa, Fresenius Kabi srl, Iason Italia srl, Pvalue research srl, Horsa next srl, SiGrade spa, Sinfo One spa.

Download the program. See the website.

To attend the meeting, send an e-mail to: a.pirazzoli@confindustriaemiliaformazione.it before December, 17th 2019.