“After Futuri Digitali” in Bologna
Digital Agenda of the Emilia-Romagna Region promotes and organizes “After Futuri Digitali”, the digital festival, an event to be held from 24 to 27 October in Bologna, but with a national dimension, dedicated to the spread of digital culture that brings digital transformation to the stage of contemporary society.
It is the occasion in which we are told about “what comes next”, the future that await us, “using” the cities of Emilia-Romagna as a temporary widespread laboratory, through lectures, lectures, workshops, demos and off circuits.
The events include:
Friday 25 October from 20:30 to 22:00 | Palazzo Re Enzo – Salone del Podestà Piazza Del Nettuno, 1c – Bologna
Presentation of the results of the Regional Digital Agenda by Raffaele Donini, Vice President of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Interview with Enrico Mentana on Information and the Network edited by Tommaso Labate.
Raffaele Donini
Tommaso Labate
Enrico Mentana